Austrian Empire’s Religion

The official religion of the Austrian Empire was Roman Catholic. This is the oldest form of Christianity. Like other Christian religions, they believe that Jesus Christ was the one true Son of God. Catholics also worship by having Mass, which is a ceremony that happens in a Catholic church. There is singing and prayer. The members of the church have small circles of bread (called wafers) and wine to represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ. They do this to remember his sacrifice of dying on the cross to save humanity.
images-5Wine and wafer of bread that represent the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

In Catholicism, the religious ruler is the Bishop of Rome, also called the Pope. He has power over the entire church. The Catholic Church also teaches that charity, or helping people who need help, is very important.
800px-StPetersBasilicaEarlyMorningSt. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

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